The other day I was in the process of writing a blog entitled “With great power comes great responsibility” when two pages into my rant, an ice storms rolled through, knocked out the power, and I lost everything.
The gist of the tirade was how a TIVO or DVR is a power, nay even a responsibility that has to be used with care. You only have like twenty to forty hours of recording time, and you can’t waste such finite space with dreck like Disney’s “High School Musical” no matter how much your children may want to see it. Hell, if you’re being a responsible parent, your kids shouldn’t even KNOW about movies where entire basketball teams break out in song. Speaking of which only on Disney would a basketball team only have two black guys, not to mention a token Asian.
If you hadn’t guessed by now, while visiting family last weekend, my adorable three year old nephew said the words nobody ever wants to hear: “I don’t want to watch Star Wars right now… I want to watch this!”
I fully expected the smirk that rolled in across my sister-in-law’s face, as she watched me squirm, but then to turn to my lovely wife to hear her say, “well, you better get used to stuff like this” made me want to raise my fisted to the heavens and yell “KHAN!” …Or something equally as memorable. Et tu, Brute?*
And for the love of little halo wearin’ Jesus, we won’t even discuss the fact that this was the “pop-up video edition” of this forsaken movie. I wanted to beat my head in with the remote as I read things like, “Julie apologized and that’s the right thing to do!”
Anyway, I summed all of it up in less then a page this time, and surprisingly, the power’s still on.
Since I did so much cursing of the ice this weekend, I figured I would give myself a little photo assignment and try and find something beautiful amongst all of the muck. Not my normal melancholy, but something… enchanting. Since that’s a bit out of my comfort zone, I didn’t expect great things, but I wanted to share with you all what I did find.
I hope you enjoy
*I ask you… how many other blogs give you quotes from James Kirk and Julius Caesar?