Or maybe it was just a “The connection was reset” error… at this point it’s kinda hard to remember.
Point is I’m thinking it’s about time to make an escape. So I started a little blog on my website, http://www.brokeni.com/serendipity/ and I think I’m just going to start posting there.
In the meantime, I thought I would cover some of the various rants I would have gone on last week in condensed format. Please try to keep up.
Chele (I’m sick of calling her my sister-in-law) has been writing a lot about her utter bah-humbugginess around this time of year, and normally, I can’t help but give a “preach on” about such rants. Unfortunately this year’s been a little different. I’ve been having a tough time getting into my normal scrooge-like spirit. I hate to say it, but on occasion I’ve gotten dangerously close to jolly.
The reasoning should be fairly obvious, but basically, just looking towards the future doesn’t seem so damn bleak this year.
But still, I felt like I lost a little something not being able to go off about how people lose all sense of taste around the holidays. What other time of year do red, green, yellow go together? I mean, what kind of fucked up color wheel are you smoking? What is it about Christmas makes people think a metallic white Christmas tree with blue lights would look good? And that fake log with candle-shaped light-bulbs you’re using for a centerpiece looks like Larry the Cable Guy is your interior designer.
Luckily, there’s nothing like walking into the local Walgreen’s to get a bit of that yuletide hatin’ mojo back. Sitting on the shelf was—get this—Hip Hop Santa. Complete with a backwards baseball cap, and hip swinging motion. But what was most disturbing was that the damn thing came in both Classical Caucasian flavor or more street-cred African American.
Now, I can certainly appreciate the dilemma that a black man must face in explaining why a fat white boy breaks in their home every year to leave gifts, but I don’t see how this is any less racially insensitive then, say, dressing in blackface.
So I stood there, with my moral outrage at moronically crass commercialism, a large twenty-something black woman approached the display. Busting out of her way too short t-shirt and dirty white sweatpants, she stood there for a moment before hitting the “play” trigger. As she began to gyrate and sing in sync with little rapper Santa, I realized that I might be putting a bit to much thought into all of this.
On one final note, my wife and I have been driving each other nuts trying to move while weaving in all of the nuttiness of the holidays. A few months back, when I was writing about the #2 heartbreak, I mentioned that she may have thrown out a picture of Rachelle and I(and Rachelle's son), where I was sporting a power mullet. Well you’ll all be happy to know that the picture was found this past weekend, mullet well in tact. I share it’s funkiness with you now:

Ok - its about time you blogged. I have actually been WORKING at work!
I am so glad you no longer have the power mullet.
My sweet handsome, husband. I love you.
Power mullet...all I can say is Wow. However, you do look better with your mullet than my room mate does with long hair...think Highlander.
You and the wife said will be sadly missed. Maybe you can come back every once in a while to tell a baby story.
Best wishes!!!!
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